
2023 Pledge Commitment

Dear Friends of Messiah,

What will ministry look like in 2023 for Messiah?  That’s one of the questions all of us should be pondering as we travel through this time of Advent.  Where is God leading us?  What does He have in store for us?  In developing a Ministry Plan for 2023 your council and staff are trying to shed light on the future as well. 

One of the aspects of developing the Ministry Plan is gaining an idea of what resources will be available to support that plan.  Historical data has not proved to be an accurate method of forecasting so this year council is asking you for a pledge of financial support.  This is a covenant between you and God that guides you to a regular offering to your congregation.  We are asking for you to be in prayer about your offering and to act accordingly.  As the year unfolds and life issues change it may be necessary for you to adjust that pledge.  Feel free to do that.  But for now, with what you know, take these steps.  Be in prayer.  Do a full honest assessment of your spending.  List the blessings that God has given you so far in your life.  Respond to God’s call for you to support your church which is God’s hope for the community we live in.  Thank you for joining the staff and council at Messiah in planning for 2023.

Attached below is a form you can fill out and return to Messiah either by mail or in person by dropping it in the offering plate.  An easier way to make your pledge is to follow this link:     www.messiahnfm.com/2023-Pledge   that will take you to an electronic form of the pledge card that will go directly to the Financial Secretary. 

Either way that you complete the form, your pledge will be posted to your giving account and you will receive periodic updates on your progress toward fulfilling that pledge.

Yours in Christ,

Messiah Council

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