Advisor: Pr. Joe Irvin
Phone: 239.898.2331
Meals are prepared and offered to area homeless persons every Monday evening at 4:00 pm.
Bootstrap Ministry Homepage:
Guidelines for BOOTSTRAP Volunteers
When coming in for the first time to volunteer for our weekly meal, check in with the team leader and see if any extra help is needed. As much as we appreciate your heart to serve, please know that if you show up unscheduled, there may or may not be a job for you to do that evening. This is because the team leader has planned that week's meal with their team of volunteers they contacted the week before when planning the meal. That planning included providing all of the food and the required number of volunteers to cover all of the jobs.
So, if they are already staffed, take a look around and observe our process to familiarize yourself and to get an idea of how you might like to serve. And then please feel free to fellowship with our guests, share a meal with them. We strive to offer our guests a community atmosphere that truly cares about their welfare.
If you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis, please contact the week's team leader you are interested in. Each Monday of the month is covered by a different leader with a different team of volunteers. You can decide which team you'd like to serve with (First, Second, Third or Fourth Monday of every month), and you will be contacted by your team's leader the week before to help with providing or preparing and/or the serving the food of that week's meal.
Job Descriptions
Team Leader: Plan and coordinate meal, assign jobs to volunteers, make sure the meal is served and kitchen is cleaned up. Turn up thermostats and check bathrooms, turn out lights and lock up.
Welcome Table: Welcome guests, make sure they sign in and get name tags on. Provide name tags for volunteers and direct them to team leader of the night.
Server: Serve meals, package leftovers, wash pans, clean kitchen, take out garbage. Leave kitchen better than when we walked in.
Salad/Dessert Server: Serve bread and salad before meal, clean away and serve dessert.
Dining Room: Place salt & pepper on the tables, roll silverware, set up drinks, coffee prep, salad bowls & plates, dinner plates, clean up dining room.
Pantry: Distribute items to those who live outside, fill out inventory form for the next week.
To-Go Table: Distribute food to go (bottled water, fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, granola bars, canned goods, etc.).