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The Cosmic Love of God
March 10, 2024, 3:00 AM

4th Sunday in Lent

The prologue of John’s gospel begins with the story of creation, connecting the Word that became flesh in Jesus with the bringing forth of life and all things. Then, as the gospel continues, the testimony of John the Baptist is shared, which continues to point the reader to Jesus’ significance for the whole world, not only one group or people. John, upon seeing Jesus approach him in the wilderness, declares “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). The Gospel of John highlights the cosmic reach of Jesus and the purpose for which Jesus was sent. God loves the whole world, not just part of it. And God loves us, all of us. God’s purpose in sending Jesus is “that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:17).

Our world and our lives include darkness and sin, evil and brokenness. But God’s love for us and for the world is complete, passionate, and sacrificial. God is not willing to settle for part of the world, or for some of us. Instead of condemning all that is not pleasing, God gave God’s own son, lifted up on the cross, so that all might have the possibility of eternal life. The light of God’s love shining down from the cross demonstrates the totality of God’s love and proclaims God’s desire to transform the dark places in this world into places of light, healing, and salvation.