Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
This is a strange time of year. The days are short, the nights are long, and even though we dream of more daylight, we walk around hoping against hope that there won’t be enough sunshine produced for a rodent (okay, a groundhog!) to see its own shadow. A quick scan of today’s news can be equally as bleak. It is time for a little more light in an otherwise dark and dreary time.
Enter Epiphany. The missional emphasis of this season shines like a beacon of light and hope in the dead of winter, bringing good news in the middle of this world’s not-so-good news. This week God provides the mission in Isaiah—feed the hungry, care for the homeless, clothe the naked. Upon accomplishing this mission God tells the people, “Your light shall break forth like the dawn.” Paul continues his Spirit-led mission, encouraging the church in Corinth, “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” Jesus teaches his disciples, “You are the light of the world. . . . Let your light shine before others” (Matt. 5:14, 16). Through these words in Jesus’ sermon, he gives followers of every day and age a mission to share the light which scatters the darkness.
Whether you are looking in the news or out the window, things may seem pretty dark and dreary at this time of year, but do not miss the light of Epiphany! We are indeed created in God’s image, therefore the spark of the divine is alive in all of us. The light shines through us as we live out God’s mission for our lives each day. As Epiphany continues, we should all be prepared to let our light shine and share the good news.